Our ‘Homeplace,’ Like a Phantom Limb

Family stories are entangled with the houses

Marie F. Jones
Age of Empathy
Published in
6 min readJul 11, 2021


A brick house and a white house stand side-by-side on treed lots.
The Homeplace. Screenshot from Google street view.

These houses are gone but I feel them. The white dust from the asbestos siding on my fingertips. Rotton apricots, slippery underfoot. The smell of plaster and my Great Aunt Til.

Aunt Til’s father built three houses on this corner around the turn of the 20th century. Each contained multiple apartments…



Marie F. Jones
Age of Empathy

Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books. messydeskconsulting.com