Hello, Medium Friends. It’s nice to see you. Welcome to the gorgeous mountains of North Carolina. That photo at the top of my profile page is the view from my deck.

Come sit with me, enjoy the view, and sip a glass of iced tea (sweet or unsweet, it’s up to you). We can chat about life, Medium, and whatever's in bloom this week. These are mountain laurel. I love the starlike shape of the buds just before they open and the sweet blooms with magenta accents.

If you don’t know me yet, I’m a librarian at a little college and I run a coaching/consulting/writing business called Messy Desk Consulting. I also teach leadership at the college.

I live with Mike-the-Cat, Fergie Dog, and The Spouse Who Shall Not Be Named (he’s a very private person).

As a coach, I help creatives, geniuses, and other Messy Desk types find their happiest lives. I value the superpowers of neurodiversity (while recognizing the struggles) and love how every brain is a unique brain.

And please, do click that "follow" button so you can see my posts as they appear. I post about once a week, more often in the summer and on academic breaks.

I have a (more-or-less) monthly newsletter available on Revue, and would love it if you subscribed. Also, if you aren’t already a member of Medium, I encourage you to join. I promise it’s worth the subscription price to read the work of people who are much more interesting than I am.

Medium member since January 2020
Connect with Marie F. Jones
Marie F. Jones

Book Author

Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books. messydeskconsulting.com